Chimney Sweep Exeter

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Stove Fitters

There are a large number of stove fitters throughout Bristol and the surrounding areas and it is sometimes difficult to choose between them. One thing is for sure, cheaper isn't better. We attend many many installations each year that are either not compliant with regulations or unsafe, often both. We take the view that you only want to fit a stove once and, in the nicest possible way, you don't want to see your stove installer again.

We therefore recommend only a few installers, where we are confident in their installations, professionalism and workmanship.


Andy has been installing quality stoves for many years and his website demonstrates the quality of his work. Based just outside Bristol he covers a large geography and is much in demand.


Chris Dale has fitted hundreds of stoves in Bristol and has his own 'signature' for installations that chimney sweeps can spot a mile off, and are happy to do so.